Monday, March 12, 2012

Men Of War #7

I'm sure if this title was as good as this issue was then this wouldn't be the second last issue of the series. This easily has to be my favourite of the series. It contains more "war" stories than any of the rest, and no super powers!
The issue starts off with a new character, I've never heard of before, George Saint, S.A.S. A modern story taking place in Afghanistan George Saint tracks down a Taliban leader called the Leopard. There's plenty of fire fights, but the best is saved for last when it comes down to man vs. man as George fights the Leopard. I hope this writing and action style carry over into the new series.
The second story is Survival Mode. It's a different kind of story that deals with the hardships of returning home after your tour is done. It flashes between past battles and dealing with current civilian life. A very current story considering whats been happening in the news with returning vets from both Iraq and Afghanistan.
I highly recommend this issue, but it's coming a little late as issue #8 will be the final before the title is replaced with G.I. Combat in May.

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